Houses with Solar Panel Installed by GenRenew

Solar Preventative Maintenance

It is true that solar energy systems are very low maintenance. These systems, however, are just like other revenue generating assets. They need to be well-maintained to ensure maximum electricity production, decrease costs, and simultaneously increase revenue. By keeping one’s solar system at peak efficiency via GenRenew’s solar preventative maintenance program, one can achieve maximum return on investment (ROI). In addition to generating revenue, properly maintained solar systems can last for many years.

What Is Solar Preventative Maintenance?

Solar preventative maintenance (PM) comprises a set of procedures designed to ensure all system components are working as they should be. Professionals will conduct a comprehensive test of all electrical and physical components of the array. In addition to functioning properly, preventative maintenance also helps to prevent technical issues from further deteriorating the system.

Solar preventative maintenance should be facilitated at least once a year. The frequency, however, depends on the size of the system. Corrective maintenance measures will be applied upon the detection of signs that something might be wrong with the array.

Why Is Solar Preventative Maintenance Important?

Solar preventative maintenance is important as it ensures the maximum efficiency, system uptime, and yield of a solar array. By maintaining one’s systems regularly, they can stay in better working condition and ensure that potential malfunctions can be effectively managed. One should note that solar arrays contribute financial value to their owners. If a technical issue arises, some of that value is lost.

That’s why investing in a preventative maintenance program is imperative. One should not risk sitting back and forgetting about maintaining their solar systems; it allows larger issues to arise. These events can compromise the safety of the system or impact your overall production.

What Does GenRenew Offer for Solar Preventative Maintenance?

At GenRenew, our solar preventative maintenance programs are designed to optimize system performance and increase ROI. Below is a quick look at various components of our PM programs:

  • Warranty administration: Our team determines if it is necessary to facilitate warranty repairs with vendors. If the answer is yes, we will alert the proper channels to ensure swift repair.
  • Proactive monitoring: Our experienced technicians are trained to remotely monitor solar system operation and performance daily.
  • Monthly or annual reports: GenRenew reports all observations and measurements (O&M) on a monthly basis.
  • Solar optimization and re-commissioning: Our team inspects all outdoor combiner and junction boxes; ensuring that they contain no debris and water.
  • Part replacement: One of the aspects of corrective maintenance involves replacing system component that have failed.
  • Cleaning modules: Our team ensures that every part of your solar system is clean.

Choose GenRenew for Solar Preventative Maintenance Today

Since our inception, GenRenew has performed annual solar preventative maintenance services for a wide range of utility, residential, and commercial clients every year. As our company is powered by solar energy systems, we are highly sensitive to downtime and lost electricity production. That’s why each of our clients’ systems receives regular PM inspections.

For more information on our Solar Preventative Maintenance services, feel free to schedule a consultation with GenRenew. Simply call (732) 835-4272 or book an appointment online today.
