Solar energy has numerous benefits for homeowners looking to keep their energy bills low and to tap into a renewable source of energy source. As solar energy becomes more and more widespread, costs related to purchase and installation of solar panels have come down and made this great energy source much more affordable to home owners. Did you know that the roofing in your house has an effect on solar panel installation? Read on to find out more.
ow Roofing Affects Solar Energy Production
The type and state of a home’s roof has a significant effect on the efficacy and durability of the solar panels that are installed on it. This is because if a roof is structurally weak, chances are that the structural failures will eventually affect the solar panels mounted on it. For example, sagging roofs will affect the angling of the solar panels thus reducing the amount of light they absorb from the sun.
The danger here is that if the roof is replaced, the panels will have to be removed so that the roofing work can take place. Once this is done, the solar panels have to be installed again, thus leading to a situation where the owner is paying twice for the installation of the same panels.
It makes sense then that a home owner who is looking to install solar energy would opt to ensure that he or she picks a roof that is unlikely to need replacing for a long time. Among the most durable of roofing is the standing seam metal roof.
What Are Standing Seam Metal Roofs?
Standing seam metal roofs are a kind of metal roof where each metal panel of the roof has seams (usually two per panel) that run continuously along the length of the panel. Among the reasons why standing seam metal roofing is popular with home owners is its durability and fire-proof properties that make it an idea choice for homeowners. Standing seam metal roofs are also the preferred type of roofing for solar energy installations. Here are the reasons why solar energy contractors recommend standing seam metal roofing when installing solar panels.
Standing Seam Metal Roofs Are Durable
Like most metal roofs, standing seam metal roofs are designed to last for a long time without the need for repair or replacement. What this means is that standing seam metal roofing will last for as long as (or longer than) the typical solar panel which has a lifespan of about 25 years. When you install a standing seam metal roof with your home solar installation, it is unlikely that you will ever need to replace the roof before you need to replace the solar panels.
Ease of Solar Panel Installation
When it comes to installation, standing seam metal roofs make it easy to install solar panels on them. First of all, the installation of solar panels on these roofs is neater because the fasteners that hold the panels to the roof are beneath the solar panels, giving the entire set up a much cleaner finish. Also, the ease of installing the fasteners on to metal roofs makes it unlikely that the process will lead to water leaks on the roof over time. Thirdly, the raised ‘seams’ on the standing seam metal roofs provides a logical point to lock in the fasteners thus holding the panels firmly in place.
Use Of Solar Laminates Is Easier
When you have a standing seam metal roof, it is easier to use solar laminates. Solar laminates are thin film panels that are an alternative to the usual crystalline panels. These laminates are also attached to the roofs and standing seam metal roofs are among the easiest of roofing to install these laminates on.
As you can see there are numerous advantages that a home owner gets when they choose to have standing seam metal roofs as the basis of the solar installations. In addition to the type of roofing, home owners much choose their solar energy contractor carefully. A professional and experienced New Jersey solar energy contractor such as GenRenew can make all the difference when it comes to reaping benefits from your solar energy system. At GenRenew, we have a proven track record of effective home solar installations and many happy home owners to back it up. Give us a call today for an assessment and quote.